Stop Using Abortion Rights to Generate Voter Turnout
Politico has a good article about how pro-choice advocates are fustrated that National Democrats are using the pending roll-back of Roe v Wade as a GOTV tool.
“Far too many Democrats are still treating this like politics as usual and a political fundraising and mobilization tool and not the human rights crisis that it is. And I understand how important it is to win elections, believe me,” said Kellie Copeland, executive director of Pro-Choice Ohio. “I also understand that it’s not politics alone that’s going to save us.”
President Biden and the Democrats could codefy Roe tomorrow if they got rid of the filibuster and voted on the law. 70% of those polled believe that abortion rights shouldn’t be taken away but instead the Democrats are risking losing everything in an effort to use outrage to bring people to the voting booth.
It is a stupid risk.